
OC Homekey+ Roundtable

OC Housing and Community Development (OCHCD), in partnership with Corporation for Supportive Housing, is hosting a Roundtable event in anticipation of the release of the California Department of Housing and Community Development (State HCD) Homekey+ Program Notice of Funding Availability in November 2024. The further along we get in Homekey, the more challenging it is to find eligible projects that meet the program’s criteria. Please come join this forum to learn more about this opportunity, share your insights and discuss potential properties/proposals that may be eligible for Homekey+ funding in Orange County.

Date: September 23, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM to Noon

Location: Orange County Housing Authority, Conference Room A - 1501 E. St. Andrew Place, Santa Ana, CA 92705

Background: Homekey+ is an expansion of State HCD’s Homekey program, designed to provide permanent supportive housing for individuals experiencing homelessness. This initiative is funded by Proposition 1, which set asides $2 billion for supportive housing (including those for veterans) and was passed by voters in March 2024.

Purpose: During this roundtable discussion, we will focus on sharing insight on Homekey and explore the Homekey+ Program. While State HCD is still refining specific details, our main goal is to promote constructive discussions and collaborative planning to put forth successful Homekey+ application(s) for Orange County projects.

Please note that as we prioritize resources for Homekey+, the OCHCD 2023 Supportive Housing NOFA, as amended, will be temporarily suspended until further notice.


Request for Information - Homekey Program Round 3 

The County of Orange (County) released a Request for Information (RFI) seeking developers that have experience with the acquisition, rehabilitation and use of property for permanent supportive housing and may have identified sites or are willing to work with the County on potential sites for Round 3 of the State of California’s Homekey. The deadline to provide a response to the RFI was April 3, 2023.  The County has reviewed submittals for the RFI, and as a result, is posting this Notification of Qualifications.

Please refer any questions to Michelle Zdeba at


2023 Supportive Housing Notice of Funding Availability First Amendment

OC HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (OCHCD) announces the release of the 2023 Supportive Housing Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) First Amendment making available up to $32.7 million dollars of Federal HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), HOME American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP), Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and 15G Reserves, to promote the acquisition, new construction, and acquisition/rehabilitation of Supportive Housing and will also provide up to 218 Housing Choice, Mainstream and/or Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Project Based Vouchers for extremely low-income households who are homeless.

Funds are available until the NOFA closes, is replaced by a new NOFA, or until all available funds are committed via Board of Supervisors action, whichever occurs first. Interested and qualified applicants who can successfully demonstrate their ability to provide supportive housing for extremely low-income households who are experiencing homelessness are encouraged to submit proposals.

The NOFA is available at the following County website links:

BidSync: NOFA 2023-02 

Please refer any questions to: 
Sherluna Vien 
Housing & Community Development 
1501 E. St. Andrew Pl, First Floor 
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Office: (714) 480-2936

Michelle Zdeba

 Office: (714) 480-2994


Utility Allowance Schedule

The Utility Allowance Schedule is applicable to the development of affordable housing units that utilize the County’s project-based vouchers. Developers may submit a request for a utility allowance letter to January Johnson at .